Once the guys were dressed and their boutonnieres pinned on, Steve took them downstairs for a series of shots in and around the hotel. 0168_N4Y3064. 0169_N4Y3067. 0173_N4Y3072. 0177_N4Y3081. 0179_N4Y3083. 0183_N4Y3088. 0197_N4Y3106 .... Thelma Falslev says: October 23, 2009 at 8:34 pm. Such a beautiful job of this wedding. Thank you so much for sharing them with me???..Oh, my dear sister and Sheila's grandma would be so proud of her beautiful granddaughter. Aunt Thelma ...
mst a cigar-shaped object briefly hovered over a hospital in edmonton, alberta. ... a rectangular-shaped light maneuvered low in the sky over bfalslev/b mar, denmark ... www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/february27.html ...
Iv?rks?tterne Martin bFalslev/b Andersen og Bo Eriksen har p? seks ?r gjort Trendsales.dk til en guldrandet forretning. Nu vil de ikke l?ngere brug tid p? at v?re direkt?rer i deres egen virksomhed - kr?fterne skal bruges kreativt.